
For residents


WHO we are

ResolutionSA is a non-profit organisation formed by a group of concerned residents who work closely with entities in the City of Joburg. The aim was to resolve infrastructure issues and inform and educate residents on progress updates along the way.

The need to address service delivery in other ward areas prompted the development of the shares services platform.
Most stakeholders now have a direct line to the people required to drive infrastructure servicing and maintenance.



To serve as a bridge between communities and local government in South Africa, in order to promote effective and efficient service delivery to residential communities.

We encompass the entire 360-degree philosophy that includes residents, communities, and service delivery organisations, and through the ResolveIT platform and processes, manage and maintain localized community upgrades.

Our Mission

We provide a shared service platform where residential communities and consumers can report any service delivery issues, which will be escalated to the relevant service agency or department and followed up until resolved.

Community updates via specific channels, ensure accountability and transparency in the communities that the service delivery affects. 


Challenges &
Our Solution

Service delivery problems are being experienced on a local, provincial and National level.

Current Situation

• Failing service delivery standards across all sectors
• The lack of accountability and resources
• Ineffective reporting channels
• Apathy in service delivery and responsibility
• Lack of return on rates and taxes


• Under resourced government departments and broken service delivery processes and systems
• Lack of funding and fund allocation due to years of mismanagement
• Lack of accountability and transparency across municipal entities


• To provide a reliable IT platform for identification and immediate reporting of service delivery failures.
• Monitoring and feedback relating to problem resolution
• Notification of problem resolution
• Establish and identify trends for authorities to address the problems through IDP funding
• Empower the community to participate in problem resolution.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

~Walt Disney~

We currently serve communities in the Greater Fourways area inclusive of:​

Our Stakeholders


Delivery Reporting Platform

How does ResolveIT work

  1. Reports an issue
  2. We notify the responsible entity based on geographical boundaries and issue category
  3. Responds directly to resident with Service Request No.
  4. Responds directly to resident with Service Request No.

Current R-SA Projects:

Next Up: Securing Houtkoppen Substation

• Legwork complete.
• Quotations received for securing the site.
• Obtain buy-in from community and source commercial funding.
• Alleviate the burden on Waterford Estate.
• Fewer outages and a happier community.

In the Pipeline with Joburg Water

1. Phase 3 & 4 of Talavera Pipeline – obtain timelines etc
2. Isolation Valves Repairs
• Identify Isolation valves.
• Engage with Joburg Water.
• Assist where necessary to source parts.
• Communicate completion, less interruption to widespread area.



With the community’s engagement, we can promote collaboration, communication and participation in order to make a difference.
We cannot achieve this goal, without YOU, our fellow residents.

Local residents and business know that funding offered to improve the infrastructure of their own environment, will increase the value of their homes, improve their lives and reduce the overall impact on the environment. 

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